The Media Menu
Media planning is the process of establishing the media vehicles to be used for advertising. Plans provide a way to speculate and agree on long or short term campaigns. A media plan can be used for designing an ad campaign that last for periods of up to 12 months. NEOSYS allows you to make plans in various formats depending on needs. Plans are tentative in nature and may or may not specify the precise dates or costs but always show the number of planned ads.
Month plan file
Allows you to make plans specifying only the number of ads planned in each month without specifying exact dates.
Week plan file
Allows you to make plans specifying the number of ads planned in each week without specifying exact dates.
Date plan file
Allows you to make plan for upto 12 months right down to the date that the ad is to appear.
Plan file
In the Plan file only the number of ads planned can be entered and not the month, week or date on which the ad is planned.
Plan printout
Allows you to format a plan in various ways suitable for printing or emailing.
List of plans pending approval
Generates a list of the plans pending approval from the client.
List of approved plans
Generates a list of the plans that have been approved by the client.
The Media scheduling system is the heart of NEOSYS. Confirmed plans become schedules. Details such as client information, vehicle data, cost to client and agency, dates, booking orders, etc. is entered in the schedule. Most of the primary tasks such as creating booking orders and client invoices can be executed directly from the schedule. Schedules can be made for only upto 366 days.
NEOSYS allows the user to incorporate data from the plan to the schedule so users can prepare a separate schedule each month by picking the data from the media plan which can be made for upto 12 months.
Schedule file
This menu item would take us to the media schedule where a new schedule can be created or an existing schedule can be modified. The Schedule file allows us to allocate advertisements over a given timeframe.
Schedule file with Public Pricing
A schedule file with public pricing adds the "price" row to a vehicle row.
Schedule file with Ratings
Allows you to prepare a media schedule with market research data.
List of Schedules pending Approvals
Generates a list of ads that are awaiting approval from the client.
List of Approved Schedules
Generates a list of schedules that have been approved from the client.
List of Schedules Pending Scheduling
Generates a list of schedules where there is a number of ads planned but the number of ads scheduled does not agree with the plan (either more or less).
Program Files
Program Breaks
Broadcast Order
Media Diary
Allows agencies to fully control the flow of advertising.
List of Free Ads
Generates a list of ads that have been marked as FREE to the agency.
Summary of Paid & Free Ads
Generates a summarised list of paid and free ads.
List of Unprofitable Ads
Generates a list of ads that have been unprofitable to the agency.
Media Progress Summary
Generates a list which shows the status of number of ads scheduled, booked, certified, supplier invoices, invoices and receipts.
Media Calendar
List of ads, similar to a media diary, which shows the ads in the a monthly calendar format.
Weekly Summary
Generates a list of the material used in the ads.
Saved Report
All saved Media Diary report options are available and the report can be re-run.
Booking is a process where ads are booked with the vehicle supplier. Booking orders can be viewed directly from here and various reports pertaining to the booking orders can be pulled as per requirement.
New Booking Orders/Cancellations
Allows you to directly issue a booking order/cancellation or amendments for an existing schedule with formatting options suitable for printing and emailing.
Old Orders
Reprints booking orders that have already been issued. The user can update the despatch status of the order from here.
Quick Orders
List of Booking Orders
Generates a list of booking orders which have been issued to the supplier in a report format with the order details.
List of Booking Orders Pending Despatch
Generates a report of booking orders which have not been despatched to the supplier.
List of Schedules Pending Booking
Generates a list of schedules that have been approved by the client but have not been booked with the supplier.
List of Ads Pending Booking
Generates a list of the ads that have been approved by the client but have not been booked with the supplier.
Material File
Material Orders
List of Materials
Certification is a verfication process where the ads that have appeared are attested or certified as appeared. The certification file can be accessed directly from the media schedule.
Certificates/ Voucher file
Allows you to certify an ad without having to go into the media schedule.
Import Certificates
List of Ads Pending Certification
Generates a list of ads that are yet to be certified with various filtering and formatting options.
List of Wrong Ads
Generates a report listing only the Wrong Ads.
List of Certified Ads
Generates a list of ads that have already been certified with filtering and formatting options similar to the previous reports.
A supplier invoice is the bill received from the supplier. This allows you to enter the supplier invoice details in NEOSYS.
Supplier Invoice File
Allows you to enter the supplier invoice number for the ads and also find out which ads are pending supplier invoices.
Supplier Invoice Journal
Allows you to view journal entries of supplier invoice transactions.
List of Ads Pending Supplier Invoices
Generates a list of only those ads that are pending supplier invoices.
List of Wrongly Supplier Invoiced Ads
Generates a list of ads that were wrongly invoiced.
List of Supplier Invoiced Ads
Generates a list of only those ads that are already supplier invoiced.
An invoice is the bill sent to the client for the ads placed. This allows you to generate new invoices from existing schedules and reprint old invoices.
New Invoices/ Proformas
Allows you to issue any new invoice or view a proforma of an existing schedule.
Old Invoices/ Proformas
Allows you to view and reprint old invoices and with a few formatting options.
Invoice Delivery Note
View and Reprint Delivery note consisting of instructions to be sent along with deliverables.
Collections File
Collections File allows you to record and manage activities such as calls, emails etc. related to the collection of debts from accounts receivables.
Finance Interface
List of Schedules Pending Invoicing
Generates a detailed report of all the schedules that have been booked but the client is yet to be invoiced.
List of Ads pending Invoicing
Generates a list of ads that have been booked at the supplier but have not been invoiced as yet.
List of Invoices
Generates a list of invoices with various formatting options.
Invoice Audit
It is a statement or a report of all the invoices issued by a company.
Invoice Numbering
Allows you to control the numbering of most of the documents issued by NEOSYS.
The Files menu is a consolidation of all the database files. Some of these files can be accessed from within the schedule directly whereas some can be accessed only from the Files menu.
The Files menu is a consolidation of all the database files in NEOSYS. The Files menu allows you to create, update and delete records from within the files. Most of these records can be accessed directly from the media schedule.
Client & Brand File
Supplier File
Vehicle File
Vehicle Rate Card File
A ratecard is a printed price list issued by a media vehicle supplier showing rates charged for placing advertisements of various sizes, issue dates, requirements etc. Based on the mode of business done in the Middle East the rate card can't exactly be regarded as a fixed price sheet because the actual rates mostly vary from the rates mentioned on the rate card. Mostly rates are pre-negotiated between suppliers and the agencies and a discounted ratecard is drawn which depends on the clients handled, volume of spend, relationship etc.
NEOSYS enables the agency to enter the various details of the ratecard in the system and pick up the rates when creating a Plan or Schedule. This helps to reduce manual data entry.
Vehicle Costs File
Allows you to specify the agency cost of a vehicle which is effective when preparing the media schedule.
Product Categories File
Media Types File
Market File
Currency & Exchange Rate File
Media Configuration File
Allows you to make changes to the system parameters.
There could possibly be multiple divisions under one company with different company names, for example within one company there could be different companies for outdoor advertising, media, production, online advertising,etc. NEOSYS allows the agency to maintain different companies for the use of the software with the option of generating reports as per each company.
Selecting this option pops up the list of the companies with information such as the company name and code, current year, financial closing period and operations closing period.