Invoice Numbering

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Revision as of 12:33, 8 May 2017 by Arvind (talk | contribs)
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  • On this page you can control the numbering of most database files.
  • Here you can only specify the start number of a particular type of document with the option of keeping different start numbers for different companies. It is recommended to start all the numbers at DIFFERENT points to make it easier to know what document somebody is talking about when they only give a number e.g. Job number:2000, PO:3000, Estimate:4000.
  • The starting numbers for invoices are entered per company line (as shown in the screenshot above).
  • The starting numbers for invoices MUST be different from the starting number entered in the "Default/All companies/Proformas" line. This is because if an invoice is generated with the same number as an existing proforma, then the proforma will be overwritten by that invoice.
  • Any changes made would be effective on the documents created thereon.
  • In Media, you can modify the numbering for the plans, schedules and invoices.
  • In Production, you can modify the numbering for the jobs, purchase orders, estimates and invoices.