Troubleshooting NEOSYS Job System
List of Estimates for a specific executive has extra or missing estimates
Changing the executive on a job in NEOSYS normally moves the estimate from the old executive to the new executive as you would expect. However on a list of estimates for a selected executive sometimes the estimate may continue to be shown under the old executive and not te new one. On a complete list of estimates, for all executives and not "by executive", the executive will show correctly,
The above applies to both List of Estimates and List of Pending Estimates
Temporary Fix
Get all users out of NEOSYS and in maintenance mode press F5
Cause and Permanent Solution
Determine the date and time of the change of the executive from the Job File version history and check for server failures/damaged files at that time.
If no server failures or damaged files then investigate the circumstances of the change of executive on the job with the user who did the change and report all information to NEOSYS programmers to try and determine the cause and provide a long term solution.