Moving accounts between ledgers

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Moving accounts between ledgers


In NEOSYS end users can only move an account between ledgers that have the same control account since NEOSYS is not able to recalculate the control account balances. The company code of the target must also either be blank or match the company code of the source chart.

How to move accounts between charts with the same control a/c

  1. Open the target chart of accounts
  2. Create a new account line where you want the account positioned
  3. In the account name column of the new line, enter a letter or dot or anything - it really doesnt matter what.
  4. In the account no. column of the new line, enter the account number of the account that you want moved.
  5. When asked Do you want to move the account? answer Yes
  6. Ensure that the source chart of account is not open for editing in another window or by another user
  7. Save the target chart of accounts

How to move accounts between charts with different control a/cs

There is no special procedure for users to do this other than creating a new account and transferring the balances.

  1. Create a new account in the target subledger
  2. Post a journal to move the balance from the old account to the new account

NEOSYS support staff can move accounts between ledgers with different control accounts but afterwards a process MUST be run in maintenance mode to fix the control account balances otherwise the control account balances will not agree with the total of the balances of the accounts in the subledgers.