List of Jobs with Accrued Costs

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Listofjobswithaccruedcosts 2011.jpg

This report gives us a list of outstanding orders on Jobs which have been Billed.

Job Period

Filter report for specific job period(s).

Enter desired time period in (MM/YY) format. Click on the (+) icon to select multiple periods.


Filter report for specific company(s).

Enter company code, search for existing company or create new company.

Client Group

Filter report for specific client group(s).

Enter client group code, search for existing client group or create new client group.


Filter report for specific client(s).

Enter client code, search for existing client or create new client.


Filter report for specific brand(s).

Enter brand code, search for existing brand or create new brand.


Filter report for specific market(s).

Enter market code, search for existing market or create new market.


Filter report for specific media type(s).

Enter type code, search for existing type or create new type.


Filter report for specific supplier(s).

Enter supplier code, search for existing supplier or create new supplier.


Enter existing executive code or Search for specific executive.