Importing Accounts and Addresses

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Importing Accounts and Addresses

WARNING: You should trial out importing in test database first.

Before you start importing anything make sure that you use the clearing procedure to clear down any old data first.

You can either have accounts and addresses columns in a single file or separate files. Whichever way you go, importing accounts and addresses is a two step process and addresses can only be imported after accounts.

The import file must be in tab delimited text format and its name must be a maximum of eight characters with no spaces and a three character extension.

The import is done in the NEOSYS maintenance mode using F5 and all NEOSYS listening processes must be shutdown.

ACCOUNT columns

  • ACCOUNT NO - required, alphanumeric plus "/" or "-" characters only.
  • ACCOUNT NAME - required
  • LEDGER CODE - required, must exist in Chart of Accounts File
  • ACCOUNT TERMS - optional positive integer days to to pay 0 for Cash, 30, 60, 90 etc
  • CURRENCY CODE - optional, must exist in Currency File
  • TAX CODE - optional, must exist in Taxes File

ADDRESS columns

  • ACCOUNT NO - required, must preexist in a chart of accounts
  • ACCOUNT NAME - required
  • ADDRESS - required, should be up in one column containing to four lines in quotes and separated by cr/lf characters
    OR four columns "ADDRESS 1" ... "ADDRESS 4".
  • COUNTRY - required, no restrictions
  • TEL - optional, free format so you can put multiple numbers and comments, appears on statements and forecast of payments.
  • EMAIL - optional (ditto)
  • FAX - optional (ditto)
  • COMPANY REG NO - optional
  • COMPANY TAX NO - optional

In the following example the account and address data columns exist in a single file called ACCOUNTS.TXT.

Importing Accounts

First verify that accounts can be imported and correct any errors before proceeding.


Actually import the accounts with the C option (Create).


Option O can be used to overwrite (destroy!) existing records. Use with extreme caution and at your own risk.

Use NEOSYS, Finance, Ledgers, Chart of Accounts to check that the above has created accounts in the expected chart of accounts.

Importing Addresses

First verify the addresses can be imported and correct any errors before proceeding. Can only be done after importing the accounts.


Actually import the addresses with the C (Create) option.


Option O can be used to overwrite (destroy!) existing records. Use with extreme caution and at your own risk.