Certificates/ Voucher file
A list of ads pending or not pending certification with various filtering options can be generated as per requirement. The ads can be certified directly from this list.
- Certified Ads
Selecting this option would list only the ads that have been certified with their certification/ voucher number which can be viewed and modified as per requirement.
- Uncertified Ads
Selecting this option would list the ads which have not been certified and these ads can be directly updated with their certification/ voucher numbers from this list.
- All Ads
This option is a combination of the previous two options and would list all the ads regardless of their certification status.
- Booked Ads Only
Selecting this option lists only the ads that have already been booked.
- Unbooked Ads
Selecting this option lists only the ads that have not been booked yet.
- All Ads
This option is a combination of the previous two options and would list all the ads regardless of their booking status.
Filter report for specific {{{1}}}(s).
Update All
NEOSYS allows the user to update all Ads belonging to a particular vehicle or schedule with the Certification status at the same time without having to update each and every ad individually.
At least a Vehicle or Schedule has to be specified when using this option in order to prevent accidental excessive updates.
The 'Update All' button updates all the ads filtered above. Ads that already have a Certificate number will not be influenced by this update
Clear All
The 'Clear All' button clears the Certificate numbers of all the ads filtered above provided that the ads have not already been invoiced.