Troubleshooting NEOSYS Finance System
Locating and correcting Exchange Gain/Loss A/c errors
Resolving opening balances in P&L accounts where you fail to put a closing account on them
Correcting mistakes in postings
Posting 0 Currency Amounts to Open Item Accounts
Solving Error - Index overflow - run Finance, Maintenance, "Clear Open Items"
Converting Balance Forward Accounts to Open Item
Resolving the "NONE supplier does not exist" message on invoice postings
Problem: Batches “missing” from selected periods
Problem: Account number does not exist
This message may come when running the CHK.ALLOC maintenance procedure.
Under normal circumstances, the total amount and base amount allocated to other vouchers cannot exceed the amount and base amount on the voucher. In other words, you cannot allocate a payment of 1000 to invoices totaling 1100. However the situation can arise in some circumstances on currency amounts that have been revalued. If you cancel manual allocations on currency amounts and there have been some revaluations (since the original manual allocation) that resulted in an INCREASE in the amount outstanding.
Solution: Run the revaluation program since its job is to amend outstanding base amount to agree with the outstanding currency amount at the prevailing exchange rate.